Wavelet analysis for Ar double arc plasma electrical signal

Before we analyze Argon double arc plasma electrical signal, we also need to extract data from all of them. So we determine to extract one data from 1000 data, after that, we obtain 1000 data. Then we use the same method to draw wavelet time-frequency graph with using Matlab as shown in Figure 1, 2.
                                       Figure 1: Wavelet time-frequency graph for U1
                                Figure 2: Wavelet time-frequency graph for U2
From above two figures, we can discover that there is no band around high frequency, which means that there is no high frequency components for electrical signal. This result is agreement with that of Fast Fourier Transform. For observing the characteristics of low frequency, we need to zoom them in as shown in Figure 3, 4.
                                 Figure 3: Zoom in wavelet time-frequency for U1
                                  Figure 4: Zoom in wavelet time-frequency for U2

We can observe that main frequency is located at 150 Hz for U1 and U2, This is the power source frequency, and its corresponding period is 6.67 ms. For finding the changing of intensity of frequency related to the power supply, we need to zoom in Figure 3 and the input electrical signal U1 as shown in Figure 5, 6.

Figure 5: Detailed time-frequency from 0.03 to 0.032 s
                                      Figure 6: Detailed input signal U1 from 0.03 to 0.032 s

The undulation of input signal  U1 is not large enough, the peak to peak value is under 1 V, the intensity of frequency changes regularly. So the fluctuation of input signal U1 cannot affect the intensity of frequency. This is different from Ar-N2 double plasma electrical signal. However, the non-stationary of power supply is still main reason to produce fluctuation of plasma jet.